APONEO is a competent and reliable mail-order pharmacy. It offers a comprehensive range of natural cosmetics, non-prescription medicines, homeopathic preparations, exclusive body care and all other products available in pharmacies. Also, APONEO is “Bio” certified and has these assortments available in their offer. The target group is predominantly women between 35-55 years, who understand themselves as health managers for the family, have a medium to high household income and live in the city rather than on the country. The print media are used by a slightly older target group, which also uses the telephone / fax order channel, which makes it the second-strong order channel after the shop, but in comparison to the online channel higher goods baskets. A selective spread by age, gender and product categories is possible. 12,000 of the monthly bookable insert places are available for a format smaller than A5, 48,000 up to A4 possible.