B2C addresses

Buy or rent private addresses

In order to win new customers, you can buy or rent private addresses. In this case, the right choice and the quality of the addresses significantly affect the success of your marketing measures. Take advantage of our access as a list broking specialist to all private addresses on the market, whether in Germany or the rest of Europe.

With Trebbau, precise selection by target group and the right choice of high-quality private addresses guarantee you:

  • A targeted approach to your target group
  • Increased response rates
  • Complete market coverage
  • Up-to-date, deliverable addresses
  • Cost reductions in your campaigns to win new customers

There is a range of addresses available on the market, which can be divided up into different categories:

Mail-order customer addresses

Mail-order customer addresses are mainly held by mail-order traders and publishing houses. These are addresses belonging to private individuals who like to order via mail-order and/or are aware of and regularly make use of distance selling.

Database addresses

Database addresses can be found in the major German databases of households. Comprehensive private customer profiles with a wide range of criteria for selection (consumer habits, interest in products, socio-demographics, lifestyle and preferences…) are available for every address. The addresses and characteristics can also be used to enrich and analyse your existing inventories.

Special database addresses

Special database addresses cover specific market sectors and contain high-quality data. For example, you can rent the private addresses of doctors, teachers or other professional groups.

As an independent service provider, Trebbau has access to all the data available on the market.

In order to ensure that the private addresses selected for your new customer acquisition match your requirements, it is essential to define your target group clearly and with as many defining characteristics as possible, because only if you apply the right criteria can the B2C addresses be selected to match your requirements exactly.
In choosing your third-party addresses, take advantage of the many characteristics for selection that address selection offers, because more specific criteria for selection mean a higher response rate and more sales. Characteristic behaviours such as mail-order habits; socio-demographic, geographic and economic features; information relating to buildings and other characteristics such as media use can all be significant criteria in the correct selection of your rented addresses.
If you do not know which characteristics most accurately describe your target group, we will start by offering you a target group analysis. Contact us today! Our list broking team will be happy to draw up a non-binding quote for you, free of charge.

At list portfolio you will find high-quality and up-to-date consumer addresses which are only available for rent from us.